Category: Blog
Magical Powers
I Have Magical Powers I have magical powers. I’m talking about bona fide powers that give me control over other people. I can control their blood pressure, make their bodies shake, cause them to sweat, and even regulate how well they breathe. Yes, just like in the Harry Potter books. I can direct my attention…
Have you ever noticed that when you use words that others consider “fancy” or “smartypants” words. They say things like “speak english man” “I am speaking English you cretin.That is the exact word that fits into what I am expressing. The fact that you are inept at this language in no way invalidates my use…
Has anyone noticed that things just don’t make sense? I mean they just don’t make sense. Can everyone agree that it is officially a thing that there are things we do as humans that are completely nonsensical? You know like when women get so crazy and angry when a man shows her his penis…
My Confession
My confession? Throughout my lifetime I have knowingly and unwillingly committed numerous and sometimes serious atrocities against intelligence and common sense at the behest of my superiors at the time. © 2024 Aadornament
I’m not worried about myself. I will be fine. I have stocks and investments. Hell. I will probably make money on this deal. I’m not worried about myself. I am worried about the poor who are already working two jobs just to make ends meet. I am worried for the people whose sexual orientation is…
About my Anger
I was in therapy recently, It was brief because I thought most of it was a waste of time, Just me complaining a lot. In the long run complaining really doesn’t help anyone. But the therapist did say one thing that, at the time I disregarded, but after a lot of thought I decided that…
We need to clear this up.
I need to get something straight. Nobody wants to kill babies. I know that there are many people who believe this but it just simply is not true. Okay, we all know there may be that one guy in Alabama somewhere who does, but he is most likely demented. I know some of you have…
I was forced to reconsider my position with this one.
I had someone comment to me the other day that they were so angry with me that if they were not a god-fearing Christian American they would call me what I deserve to be called(paraphrasing) There are two points that I would like to make in response. © 2024 Aadornament
Here is your assignment should you decide to accept it.
The scene opens upon a wizard sitting alone in the forest in front of an old tavern. He is drinking an ale and smoking a long curvy pipe. The barkeep comes out to check on him and he orders another ale for a guest that is coming. The barkeep obviously grumpy, mutters something that is…