
Has anyone noticed that things just don’t make sense?  I mean they just don’t make sense. Can everyone agree that it is officially a thing that there are things we do as humans that are completely nonsensical?   You know like when women get so crazy and angry when a man shows her his penis on the subway or in front of a restaurant. I mean,no one really wants to see that I agree, but the hysterical reaction that comes out of some women…why?  It’s just a penis.  Most women have seen a penis so you most likely know what it is. It’s not something he can literally kill you with. So, unless that guy is doing something to you with it, why the hysterical reaction?   Just tell him to put it away and move on. And like when people are easily offended and react badly when you call them a name.  Just because I called you a bitch doesn’t actually mean you are one in real life.  I mean you would have to accept that what I say to you is more truth to you than your own truth right?  If you were angry, right?  In my mind, you can pretty much call me anything you want.  Unless it hits close to home, I don’t care.  For example if I had recently gained weight and you called me a fatty I might get upset. But if I like the weight I am at and you call me fat.  It makes absolutely no difference to me.  I might be amused at your attempt to manipulate me but other than that it would have no effect on me. It just makes no sense to be offended. And at the very least if you are easily offended you need to get something right with yourself not that person that you are arguing with. 
I really started noticing these nonsensical things at a young age as probably most of you did,  Like when they told you in Sunday School.  Yes, I went to Sunday School in the sixties in Ohio.  That was just one of the things we did back in the “olden days” Anyway, I was in Sunday School and they told us this story about this guy named Moses telling his imaginary friend to part the sea so that he and his friends could escape the bad guys. Well, as a seven year old, similar circumstances had arisen in my life where I asked the exact same imaginary friend for the very similar favor of very quickly cleaning my bedroom and making the beds so my Mom would not get so mad at us when she found out what my siblings and I had been doing in there.  It really doesn’t work. I tried numerous times and in emergencies this guy is not pulling through. Hadn’t these guys all tried the same thing?  They have to know that it does not work. So why do they all believe that it does?  In my seven year old mind that just absofuckinglutely made no sense. I didn’t use the word fuck back then, you get the idea. But you could tell, everyone around you thought it did.  So after some time and a few punishments, you decide that maybe they are all correct, it does work and I am just not getting it.  Everyone around you can do this one thing correctly but you cannot. So in the spring, you sing in the children’s choir as loud as any other kid about Moses parting the water for the Israelites. But in the back of your mind, deep in your gut you know this stuff is highly suspect.  Why do we all agree on something that fundamentally makes abssofuckinglutely no sense? Or when you learned that boys were not allowed to wear dresses.  I mean dresses were greatand to be fair so were pants.  On hot summer days, dresses were fun because they were swingy and cool, on cold days pants were better for warmth. It made no sense whatsoever that people had such a bad reaction to a boy in a dress.  Especially men, they always had a very negative emotional reaction to it.  But a quite positive emotional reaction to it if his daughter dressed as a boy “isn’t that cute!”.  I think these reactions say volumes about what you think about women.  To this day, I have a very apathetic reaction to men who crossdress because to me, why not?

So, is it me?  I mean, do you guys see these things too?  There are so many, so, so, many.  Should we start calling them out and agreeing on some of these things?  Would that help with all the division in the world?  These nonsensical things, these sometimes large but mostly small, glitches in human thinking may be the key to furthering ourselves as a species. If we begin to do this we could unite mankind forever and, at the very least, it is highly likely we could get some great memes out of it.   What do you think?

© 2024 Aadornament


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